‘For over 20 years I’ve hated what looks back at me in the mirror. From being bullied all through school to gaining weight at 18, I’ve fluctuated between a size 18 to 22 and have never felt comfortable in my own body.

A year ago I decided to try and pull myself out of quite a dark hole and made the decision to head into surgery for a gastric sleeve.  This decision has truly changed my life!

In just over a year, I’ve gone from a very unhappy 18 stone, size 22 shell of a person, to a 11.5 stone confident(ish) size 12.

I won’t lie, the journey has not been easy. Body dysmorphia is a real thing! Walking past windows and having to take a second look because you just don’t recognise yourself anymore. Crying at photos because that’s not you who’s standing there, just not believing what people are telling when they say you’re beautiful! It’s a mental nightmare!

This is why I decided to book in with Alison!

Alison has quite literally changed my life! I never thought I’d ever have the confidence to get dressed up in some sexy underwear, I’ve never worn a pair of suspenders in my life, and yes Alison had to help me in them 😂. But to get to the studio and feel so confident that I decided to get fully naked, has blown my mind!

Her skills in making you feel confident, safe but most of all sexy is a special thing. Her singing is an added bonus 😉😂!

I now see what people have been telling me. I now see a beautiful, sexy, confident lady staring back at me!

To those that are still sitting on the fence to either take the drastic leap into weight loss surgery or getting your kit off in front of the camera… all I can say is do it! The whole process is life changing and I am the happiest I have been in a very long time.

Alison, THANK YOU ❤️‘

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